A very meek, soft-spoken woman who keeps to herself, mostly confined to the shadows of her library.
In pursuit of preserving whatever remains of the past, she became a member of the Hunter's Lodge, venturing into the war-ravaged and volatile land below the sky islands in search of pre-war technology.


Formerly a librarian's assistant, Violetta now runs the Apollinaris Library alone due to the head librarian taking leave to seek out treatment for her poor health. The work is simple enough, and though the occasional patron may require assistance, there's always enough downtime to ensure the day's tasks are completed.

Living in a post-war society, so much of history has either been lost or destroyed. Due to this, she's obsessed with finding what little remnants of the past remain and preserving them for future generations. Any organic specimens deemed important enough are extensively studied, preserved in jars of formaldehyde and then locked away in a little curio cabinet.

It's admittedly a bit morbid, but she knows her work is justified. Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, after all.

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